CST Mastery Memberships

Join an international community of Upledger therapists to gain depth of knowledge in your practice and share your curiosity and passion with peers.

Why Join?

As therapists, we can sometimes feel isolated in our practice and find coursework a challenge to access. CST Mastery is designed to offer accessible CST & SER lessons and insights to help you develop in your practice as well as support your certification goals. We have options to suit your needs and skill level.

CST Mastery for Advanced SER Therapists offers a monthly themed topic with a 90-minute group Zoom call. It includes two monthly live interactive group discussions, analysis of the presentation and time for self-reflection. There is access to all replays and 36 Advanced videos including case studies and the Presentation Library Also, access to the entire CST Mastery Tutorial Library of 60 CST and SER Tutorials.

This plan also offers access to follow up discussions and replays of Success Path to CST and SER videos and discussions.
Preq: SER 1

Success Path to CST offers a monthly, dedicated CST tutorial video on a topic with two 1-hour discussions. It includes a follow-up monthly, live interactive group discussion, analysis of the presented tutorial video and time for self-reflection. There is access to all replays of our discussions, as well as access to the 30 CST Tutorial Library.
Preq: CST1

Success Path to SER offers a monthly, dedicated SER tutorial video on a topic with two 1-hour discussions. It includes a follow-up live interactive group discussion, analysis of the presented tutorial video and time for self-reflection. There is access to all replays of our discussions, as well as access to the 30 SER Tutorial Library.
Preq: SER 1

Video Tutorial Topics can be found here…

Membership Plans



CST Mastery for Advanced SER Therapists offers themed topics in a cycle of 4-months:

First month: A pre-recorded presentation of a themed topic or interview, with questions to consider and discussion included with each presentation will be sent a week prior to the Zoom calls to review and take notes at your convenience.

Second Month: Follow up zoom discussions on the presented topic and focusing on integration into your practice, including you and your client’s experience.

Third month: Presentations of SER sessions to enhance treatment perception in unique ways.

Fourth month: Tea with Susi – sharing together our important ideas and concepts.

Each 1 ½ hour discussion is offered twice monthly to accommodate all time zones.

Membership also includes:
Access to monthly replays and continued access to the entire CST Mastery Presentation Library.
Access to both Video Libraries of all 60 CST and SER Tutorials.
Access to monthly follow up discussions and replays of Success Path to CST and SER videos and discussions.
Preq: SER 1



Each month you will receive an invitation to view a pre-recorded tutorial video from the CST Mastery Tutorial Library to sequentially build your skills to succeed in CST or SER.  The pre-recorded presentation link will be sent a week prior to the Zoom calls to review and take notes at your convenience.

Join me and participate in a 1-hour follow-up Zoom discussion on the topic assigned, your experiences in the treatment setting and other related concerns to your hands on experience.

Each 1-hour discussion is offered twice monthly to accommodate all time zones. All replays available while you are a member.

Access to one video library, choose from a CST or SER Tutorial Series. Each video library contains 30 tutorials on a wide variety of topics.  VIEW TOPICS…

This plan does not include the live CST Mastery for Advanced SER monthly videos or discussions.

Path to Success Plan: CST – CST1
Path to Success Plan: SER – SER 1

Live presentation times:

There are 2 opportunities to participate in the live CST Mastery calls each month, to accommodate your schedule. Start times are always the same and are Eastern US/Canada Time. You are welcome to join either or both times.

The pre-recorded presentation will be sent a week prior to the Zoom call to review and take notes at your convenience.

Find the DATES for these presentations on our calendar…

  • All program discussions begin Tuesdays, 7:30p Eastern
  • All program discussions begin Thursdays, 2:30p Eastern

Can’t attend the live presentation times?

All replays within your program are available while you are a member.

Choose a plan that fits your interest and budget

Membership plans are designed to give you options based on your own needs, level of study, availability and budget.

What plan works for you?

CST Mastery for Advanced SER Therapists offers an opportunity to integrate many advanced topics into your practice. The knowledge from our international community of therapists creates dynamic discussions.

Success Path to CST offers an opportunity to review your CST skills and have monthly discussions and supervision to enhance your skills.

Success Path to SER offers an opportunity to review your SER skills and have monthly discussions and supervision to enhance your skills.

How to apply?

Each plan has a prerequisite level of study of Upledger coursework. This helps to assure you are working with professional peers with similar goals.

  • CST Mastery for Advanced SER Therapists – Prerequisite: SER 1
  • Success Path to CST – Prerequisite: CST 1
  • Success Path to SER – Prerequisite: SER 1

Apply for Membership here… The simple application form is secure and you will receive a response within 48 hours.

Membership is accessible to all.  With currency exchange issues or just limited resources, contact CST Mastery to discuss a sliding scale.

Membership FAQs

What is the difference between the CST Mastery for Advanced SER Therapists and the Success Path for CST and SER memberships?

If you are looking for a monthly connection with other therapists to review CST and SER techniques and learn the nuances of how to integrate these concepts into your practice, join one of the Success Path monthly plans.

If you have a successful CST/SER practice and looking for information to add to your skill set and community to discuss relevant topics, join the CST Mastery for Advanced SER Therapists.

How do I know if I am eligible for CST Mastery memberships?

To join the live Zoom calls for CST Mastery for Advanced SER Therapists and the Success Path for SER, members must have completed SER1

To join the live Zoom calls for the Success Path for CST, members must have completed CST1

What payment methods do you accept?

Payment can be made safely and securely using the Stripe Payment Platform. Stripe accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB or debit cards.

What topics are covered?

Both Success Path plans offer a tutorial video on each aspect of CST or SER.

Access to the 30 videos in the CST Tutorial Library offers all the techniques of 10 Step Protocol, Avenue of Expression, Evaluation and much more. Access to the 30 videos in the SER Tutorial Library offers ideas and dialogue examples with Inner Physician, Archetypes, variety of emotions, and much more.

The CST Mastery for Advanced SER Therapists topics include a variety of topics, interviews, and opportunities to participate in live zoom calls to enhance your perception and awareness within the body. There is also access to all tutorial videos and discussions for the Success Path zoom calls.

Video Tutorial Topics can be found here…

Does my subscription renew automatically every month?

Yes, it does.  However, you can cancel anytime.

What happens if I do not like my membership plan?

Within 30 days of signing up, you have the option for a no-questions asked refund of your membership.

What if I want to change membership plan?

It is simple and easy to change your membership plan at any time.  You can login to your account for instructions.

Who do I contact for technical assistance for my account?

Please Contact Us here for account assistance.

What technology do I need to participate?

All live tutorial videos and mentoring circles utilize the web conferencing platform: https://zoom.us/

Video and audio replay links are available through your CSTMastery.com account.

Why Join?

As therapists we can sometimes feel isolated in our practice and find coursework a challenge to access.  CST Mastery is designed to offer accessible CST & SER lessons and insights from an Upledger specialist, to help you develop and thrive as a therapist as well as support your certification goals.

Choose a plan that fits...

Choose a plan that fits your interest and budget.If you’re looking for an excellent support to develop and maintain your CST skills, while receiving supervision, Success Path to CST is the plan recommended. During the live zoom calls, you can ask questions, learn more in-depth information and how to integrate the knowledge into your practice. All zoom calls are offered at prescribed times, twice a month to accommodate US and International convenience.

If you’re looking for an excellent support to develop and maintain your SER skills, while receiving supervision, Success Path to SER is the plan recommended. During the live zoom calls, you can ask questions, learn more in-depth information and how to integrate the knowledge into your practice. All zoom calls are offered at prescribed times, twice a month to accommodate US and International convenience.

CST Mastery for the Advanced SER Therapist has been ongoing for 4 years, with a strong international community. If you are looking for an opportunity to enhance your overall practice, by learning and adding profound nuances, this is the plan for you. This plan also includes all the information in both success pass membership plans.

Can’t attend the live presentation times?

All membership plans provide replay access for all the zoom group call. So, you can access the information at your convenience.

How to apply?

Each plan has a prerequisite level of study of Upledger coursework. This helps to assure you are working with professional peers with similar goals. Prerequisite for CST Mastery for Advanced SER Therapists and Success Path for SER members is SER 1. Prerequisite for Success Path for CST is CST 1.


CST Mastery for advanced SER Therapists

Success Path to CST

Success path to SER




Monthly advanced topic with 2 follow-up Live discussions, 1 ½ hour each, with continued access to all replays and The Presentation Library

Monthly presentation with
2 Live discussions and self-reflection sessions

Monthly presentation with
2 Live discussions and self-reflection sessions

Access to monthly Success Path tutorial videos (CST & SER) with 4 live discussions, 1 hour each, about the video and any treatment comments.

Monthly tutorial CST videos to review with 2 follow-up live discussions, 1 hour each, about the video and any treatment comments.

Monthly tutorial SER videos to review with 2 follow-up live discussions, 1 hour each, about the video and any treatment comments.

With continued access to all replays and Entire CST & SER Tutorial Library

With continued access to all replays and Entire CST Tutorial Library

With continued access to all replays and Entire SER Tutorial Library


